HomeWerks Home Care provides home care services primarily to private paying clients. Consequently, individuals and their families are responsible for payment.

Long term care insurance will usually cover home care services, and HomeWerks Home Care is approved by most long term care insurance companies.


Medicare typically does not cover for home care services, and HomeWerks Home Care currently does not accept reimbursement from Medicaid.

While long term care insurance will usually cover costs for home care services, it will be the responsibility of the client to pay HomeWerks Home Care and then file for reimbursement from their insurance carrier.

We take pride in compensating our employees fairly for the excellent quality of care they provide our clients and pay a rate that helps ensure that we attract and retain the absolute best caregivers in the area. In addition we have learned that this higher pay rate encourages longer-term employment which fosters longer and more enriching relationships with the patients they care for.

HomeWerks Home Care generally requires a deposit (covering care services to be provided over the initial two-week period) to initiate service. Please contact us to discuss your specific care and service needs in order for us to provide you an estimate of service care costs.